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IVF Doctors and Infertility Clinics in Birmingham, Alabama.

  Center for Advanced Gynecological Surgery

Is usually defined as not being able to get pregnant despite trying for one year. A broader view of infertility includes not being able to carry a pregnancy to term and have a baby. Pregnancy is the result of a chain of events. A woman must release an egg from one of her ovaries (ovulation). The egg must travel through a fallopian tube toward her uterus (womb). A man's sperm must join with (fertilize) the egg along the way. The fertilized egg must then become attached to the inside of the uterus.

While this may seem simple, in fact many things can happen to prevent pregnancy from occurring. Problems with ovulation account for most infertility in women. Without ovulation, eggs are not available to be fertilised. Signs of problems with ovulation include irregular menstrual periods or no periods. Simple lifestyle factors - including stress, diet, or athletic training - can affect a woman's hormonal balance. Much less often, a hormonal imbalance from a serious medical problem such as a pituitary gland tumour can cause ovulation problems.

Aging is an important factor in female infertility. The ability of a woman's ovaries to produce eggs declines with age, especially after age 35. About one third of couples where the woman is over 35 will have problems with fertility. By the time she reaches menopause, when her monthly periods stop for good, a woman can no longer produce eggs or become pregnant. Other problems can also lead to infertility in women. If the fallopian tubes are blocked at one or both ends, the egg can't travel through the tubes into the uterus. Blocked tubes may result from pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis, or surgery for an ectopic pregnancy.


Center for Advanced Gynecologic Surgery
1222 14th Avenue South
Birmingham, AL 35205
Tel: (205) 930-0080
Fax: (205) 930-0004

ivf in Huntsville, Alabama

Huntsville Reproductive Medicine

Dr. Andrew Harper is a native of Huntsville, and is devoted to assisting couples in overcoming infertility. In 2003 he established Huntsville Reproductive Medicine, North Alabama's first full-time reproductive endocrinology practice specializing in the treatment of infertility. His goal is to deliver the highest quality fertility care in a
compassionate, communicative, and consistent manner. Huntsville Reproductive Medicine has built a state-of-the-art In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) center to provide the most advanced aspects of assisted conception. As a Reproductive Endocrinologist, Dr. Harper has successfully completed a 4-year residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology at Baylor College of Medicine, and a 3-year fellowship in reproductive endocrinology and infertility at University of Washington.

Dr. Harper has authored several manuscripts and abstracts dealing with human reproduction, including the 2001 Society for Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility (SREI) Prize Paper, Is the short follicular phase in older women secondary to advanced or accelerated dominant follicle development? His work has been published in the International Journal of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Seminars in Reproductive Endocrinology, and the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism.


185 Chateau Dr., Suite 301
Huntsville, Alabama 35801
Telephone: 256.213.BABY (2229)
Fax: 256.213.9978

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