IVF Treatment - Repromed Infertility Treatment - www.repromed.com.au
IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) & ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection) are the two most commonly used fertility treatments, highly effective in overcoming a variety of infertility problems. They are identical procedures apart from how the egg is inseminated once in the laboratory.
IVF involves placing eggs & sperm together in a laboratory dish to enable fertilization to occur outside the body. ICSI is a procedure where a single sperm is drawn up into a very fine pipette so that the sperm can be injected directly into the egg. The fertilised eggs (embryos) are then transferred several days later into the woman’s uterus or womb where implantation and embryo development will hopefully occur just as in a normal pregnancy.
Repromed Adelaide 180 Fullarton Road, Dulwich, South Australia 5065 Ph: 08-8333 8111 Fax: 08-8333 8188
IVF and Infertility Treatment Adelaide - Flinders Reproductive Medicine
IVF or In Vitro Fertilisation, is often known as "the test tube baby treatment". IVF treatment involves placing sperm and eggs together in a culture dish (so called 'conventional' IVF) or individual sperm are micro-injected into eggs (Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)) so that fertilisation occurs in the laboratory. Not all the eggs will fertilise when mixed with/injected with sperm, so to increase your chances of success we stimulate the ovaries to produce several eggs at the same time.
Fertility Clinic, 4th Floor Flinders Medical Centre Flinders Drive, Bedford Park, South Australia