IVF.in : IVF Clinics and Infertility Doctors in New Jersey 07039,07078 ,08817, 08053.

IVF Clinics in New Jersey.

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IVF Doctors and Infertility Clinics in New Jersey.

  IRMS - IVF and infertility clinic of New Jersey, NJ and New York, NY.

Sperm from the male is collected on the day of oocyte retrieval, except in cases where donor or previously frozen sperm is used. In cases of male factor infertility caused by conditions such as azoospermia (lack of sperm), tubal blockage and genetic anomalies, sperm is not available in the seminal fluid and surgical techniques may be required to extract it from the surrounding tissue. In any case, the sperm is washed to remove impurities before it is added to the medium, where fertilization of the eggs can occur in just a few hours.


The Institute for
Reproductive Medicine and Science
at Saint Barnabas Medical Center
East Wing, Suite 403
Old Short Hills Road
Livingston, NJ 07039

The Short Hills Fertility Center

A procedure involving fertilization of the human egg via prepared sperm in a culture medium outside of the woman's body. Subsequent embryos are than transferred into the woman's uterus. Dr. Annos personally performs all retrievals (surgically obtaining the eggs for fertilization) and all transfers (surgically transferring the fertilized eggs into the woman's uterus.)


Short Hills
Fertility Center
40 Farley Place
Short Hills, NJ 07078
Tel: (973) 467-0099

The Center for Advanced Reproductive Medicine & Fertility

offers the most personalized services available for the care of the infertile couple, including in vitro fertilization – embryo transfer (IVF-ET), and egg donation. In addition, the Center specializes in the evaluation and treatment of other reproductive disorders, including endometriosis, repetitive pregnancy loss, irregular menstrual cycles, and male fertility issues. Our physicians are all board-certified infertility specialists who are also well-recognized experts in the fields of laparoscopic and hysteroscopic surgery. Their published research studies include many highly acclaimed articles covering various reproductive endocrine and fertility related topics.


The Center for Advanced Reproductive Medicine & Fertility
Durham Center
Four Ethel Road
Suite 405A
Edison, New Jersey 08817
Phone: (732) 339 - 9300
Fax: (732) 339 - 9400

Cooper Center for In-Vitro Fertilization

It is important for couples to realize that fertility potential involves both partners. Therefore, it is beneficial when performing a complete work-up for infertility to evaluate both partners. A semen analysis should be performed, along with some blood hormone levels on the male. Initial work-up of the male includes the following tests on the semen specimen: count-number of sperm per mL of semen, motility-percent of sperm moving, grade of progression-how the sperm are moving, viability-percent of sperm alive, morphology-percent of sperm with acceptable physical characteristics, antisperm antibody (ASA)-percent immunoglobulins attached to sperm, and hypo-osmotic swelling (HOS) test-assess the functional integrity of the sperm membrane.


8002E Greentree Commons
Marlton, NJ 08053
(856) 751-5575
Fax: (856) 751-7289
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