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IVF Doctors and Infertility Clinics in Albany & Buffalo.

  Albany IVF

IVF and related services are the primary treatment options for couples with moderate to severe tubal factor and male factor infertility. In these cases superovulation/IUI therapy has minimal success.

IVF is also pursued by couples with other diagnoses when other options have failed. Because it is the only time that we can directly assess a woman's eggs, it is also the best way to test issues such as sperm-egg interaction and embryo performance in culture. IVF’s higher monthly success rates make this an attractive choice for many couples.

Controlled Ovarian Stimulation (COS) — The goal of COS is to stimulate a woman's ovaries to mature many follicles at once so we can retrieve many good quality eggs. We initially control the ovarian cycle with hormones such as oral contraceptive pills and gonadotropin releasing hormone agonists. After this we use ovarian stimulating medications such as gonadotropins to stimulate follicle growth. We carefully monitor your response to COS during our Clinic.

Clinic monitoring may occur seven days a week for IVF patients. Sunday appointments are individualized.

Once the follicles are felt to be mature, instructions to take an injection of human chorionic gonadotropin to cause final maturational changes in the egg will be given. If this injection is not administered correctly, mature eggs may not be retrieved. This injection is also critically timed to 36 hours before egg retrieval. The timing of this medication is critical.

The Embryo Transfer (ET) is a fairly straightforward procedure. Yet, because it is typically the last technical IVF step, and because a discussion about embryo quality, chances of success, and outcomes such as multiple or grandmultiple pregnancy has just occurred, it is typically a somewhat tense and emotional time.

After the ET women often wonder, "Did my procedure work? What should I be feeling?" It is easy to read too much into the physical symptoms during this phase. In the end, we cannot tell whether a pregnancy occurred until pregnancy testing is completed. Relaxation techniques, deep breathing, Hatha Yoga, and massage are all good ways to help make this time easier.

We do the ET under transabdominal ultrasound guidance and require a full bladder. We load a small plastic catheter with the embryos, then pass it through your cervix and your endometrial cavity. We do a practice transfer just before the actual ET to assure that your cervical canal can be easily negotiated.


Albany IVF | 349 Northern Blvd. Albany, NY 12204 | P: 518.434.9759 F: 518.436.9822

Crozer Fertility

Male factor infertility is diagnosed in ~30-40% of patients, either as the sole diagnosis or in combination with one or more female factors. Many aspects of male physiology can influence male-factor infertility including hormonal production, sperm transport and sexual dysfunction. Each case has to be assessed individually and treated appropriately.

The evaluation of the male partner begins with a reliable semen analysis that will assess multiple characteristics of the sperm. The male partner should schedule a semen analysis, preferably during the same month his wife undergoes her infertility evaluation, as well as blood testing for infectious diseases and blood typing.

In order for accurate assessment the sample should be analyzed within 1 hour of collection, therefore collection on site is preferred. We do understand, however, that this can be a stressful time so in some instances the sample may be collected at home provided it can be delivered to the laboratory within an hour of collection.

Many factors may influence the results of the semen analysis. Since many of which involve specimen transport it is important to adhere to the specimen collection policy defined by the laboratory.

Collection technique: Failure to collect the sample by masturbation, failure to collect the entire sample and the use of lubricants may effect results. Additionally, the specimen container itself may not be a friendly environment for sperm, therefore a laboratory approved container should only be used during collection.

Time of collection: Motility and viability may be compromised in samples that are analyzed more than 1 hour from time of collection. It is important to follow the instruction for transport should you need to collect outside of the facility.

Abstinence period: Too short or too lengthy a period of abstinence may impact the concentration or motility of a specimen. It is important to adhere to the guidelines for abstinence as outlined in the specimen collection policy.

Recent illness: Recent severe systemic illness in the last three months may affect the semen analysis.

Medications: Several medications may affect the results of the analysis.


Crozer Reproductive Endocrinology & Fertility Center
Crozer-Chester Medical Center
1 Medical Center Blvd.
ACP Suite 531
Upland, PA 19013
610 447-2727

Infertility and Invitro Fertilization Medical Associates of Western New York

The goals of our program are to assist a variety of patients with gynecologic and infertility concerns in their desire to achieve healthy pregnancies and to resolve their health concerns. We are dedicated to providing the highest quality of care at our state-of-the-art facility.

In order to provide a comprehensive program, we have experienced professionals who are dedicated to providing personalized care. Our nurses and IVF coordinators are trained in infertility. As part of our ongoing quality assurance, we have outside professionals and clinicians visit our facility to provide continuing input.

Every effort is made to tailor each diagnosis and treatment to the individual needs of each patient. As a university affiliated program, we are also involved in clinical research and teaching which we feel will benefit patients.

The technique involves the injection of a single sperm into an egg. For couples with severe male factor infertility or couples with prior In Vitro Fertilization attempts in which failure to fertilize occurred, ICSI has proved to be successful. In cases where the sperm must be taken directly from the testes, ICSI may also be used to achieve fertilization. The procedure involves the processing of sperm from a semen specimen or testicular biopsy. A single live sperm is then injected directly into egg with a glass needle. The fertilization and pregnancy rates are comparable to those seen with IVF couples with no male factor infertility problems.

To achieve a pregnancy as a result of IVF several steps are needed:
* Use of fertility drugs to stimulate the ovary to produce several oocytes (eggs)
* Retrieval of the oocytes from the ovary by transvaginal aspiration
* Fertilization of the oocytes and culture of the embryos in the IVF laboratory
* Transfer of the embryos into the uterus

All of these procedures are accomplished in our facility. For patient comfort and safety, all transvaginal aspirations of ovarian cysts are done with conscious sedation administered by an anesthesiologist.


Phone: 716 839-3057

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