Fertility Center Austin Texas
Once the diagnostic evaluation has been completed, your physician will ask you and your partner to make a consultation appointment in order to review all of your results and discuss the possible treatment options. We recognize that there are many variables that may impact the development of an optimal treatment plan. We strongly believe that every case must be approached on an individual basis and it is essential for us, as your care providers and advocates, to understand what your goals and expectations may be.
Regardless of your diagnosis, you can be assured that your physician will provide you with all feasible alternatives and describe all the benefits, risks, and costs associated with each option. We have a wide range of treatment options available for you and will only recommend those that we feel are appropriate to your diagnosis and situation. Our ultimate goal is to help you bring your baby home using the least invasive and least expensive means possible.
Every patient’s uterus is unique. Some are tilted forward (anteflexed), some are tilted backward (retroflexed), and some are straight. Some are larger, while others are smaller. Some have a cervix that is partially open; some have a cervix which is tightly closed. In order to minimize discomfort at the embryo transfer and maximize the likelihood of success, we will usually perform a trial transfer prior to initiating ovarian stimulation. This quick and painless office procedure involves passing a very thin plastic catheter through the cervical canal into the uterus. At that time, we will assess and/or measure three things: the distance from the cervical opening to the top of the uterine cavity, the degree.of curvature of the canal itself, and the ultimate position of the top of the uterus. For example, if your measurement is “70/30/12”, this means that it is 70 mm from the cervical opening to the top of the cavity, there is a 30 degree curvature in the canal, and the uterus is anteflexed. We will use this measurement to determine where to place the embryos at the time of the actual embryo transfer. Studies have shown that patients who have a trial transfer have higher pregnancy rates and less difficulty at the time of the actual transfer.
Texas Fertility Center 6500 N. Mopac Expressway, Building 1, Suite 1200 512-451-0149
Fertility Center of San Antonio
The Fertility Center was founded in 1988 as the original, office-based fertility program in Texas under the guiding, patient-oriented philosophy of Dr. Joseph Martin. We have since been joined by Dr. Gregory Neal and have grown to a staff of over 25 people; but the goal of the center continues to be to provide state-of-the-art, effective fertility therapy in a patient-friendly and cost-effective setting. These principles have also been embraced in the organization and administration of the Fertility Center Laboratory. Each laboratory staff member works diligently to provide reliable and rapid results in our diagnostic testing program. In addition, the entire laboratory staff is specialty-trained in human assisted reproductive technology and offers many years of successful experience in all phases of laboratory therapeutic intervention for infertility.
Your therapy involving assisted reproductive technology (ART) will be most effective when a trusting partnership is formed between you, the clinical staff and the laboratory. And this requires an understanding of both your diagnosis and the rationale for the treatment plan we have devised for you. Does this mean you must have in-depth scientific knowledge of your condition and treatment, a command of every detail? Absolutely not. That, too, can become a burden. And, after all, that is our responsibility. But you do need enough understanding of your therapy in order to develop the trust that brings the compliance on your part that is so necessary for success. The laboratory is a crucial component of ART and we want you to understand and trust this aspect of your care in the center.
The egg donation cycle must be monitored carefully by vaginal ultrasounds and hormone testing. These tests are critical to the success of this process. You must be available between 7:30AM and 9:30AM to come to our clinic for these tests. Four or five visits may be required during your stimulation cycle. Exact dates vary based on your response to the medication and the physician's recommendations. It is extremely important that you have reliable transportation and a flexible schedule so you may be monitored appropriately.
Once it is determined that the eggs are mature, you will be scheduled for egg retrieval. The procedure is performed by one of our physicians at FCSA. Anesthesia is performed by a board certified anesthesiologist.
Fertility Center of San Antonio 4499 Medical Drive, Suite 200 San Antonio, Texas 78229 Toll-free phone: (800) 708-1869 Local phone: (210) 692-0577 Fax: (210) 692-1210
Austin Fertility Center
Dr. Youngkin began his practice in Austin in 1982 following his obstetrical, gynecological and infertility training at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston. He is a founding member of the In-Vitro Fertilization Program for St. David's Hospital which was established in 1984 and is the President-Elect of the medical staff at St. David's Medical Center.
Dr. Youngkin has been added to the list of Texas Monthly's Super Doctors and has been voted one of the Best Doctors in America each year from 2001 - 2008. He has also been awarded the Distinquished Surgeon of the Year 2008.
ART means Assisted Reproductive Technology formerly referred to as IVF. In Vitro means "in glass" and refers to the fact that fertilization takes place outside of the woman's body. IVF was originally developed for women who have severe tubal damage. It also can be helpful for couples with infertility caused by pelvic adhesions and low sperm counts. Preparation for an IVF procedure involves stimulation of the ovaries to produce multiple eggs that are capable of fertilization. Fertility hormones are administered at the beginning of a menstrual cycle for this purpose. Ultrasound examinations and blood hormone measurements carefully monitor development of the stimulation process. Dr. Youngkin is one of the founding physicians of the St. David's IVF / ART program and works closely with patients to establish a protocol that best fits their individual situation. GIFT (Gamete Intra Fallopian Transfer), ZIFT (Zygote Intra Fallopian Transfer), and ICSI (Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection) are all ART procedures performed by Dr. Youngkin. Please call our office for a consultation.
805 E. 32nd Street Austin, Tx. 78705 (512) 478-3188 Office: 512-478-3188 Fax: 512-478-5092IVF Clinics Austin : IVF Clinics Dallas : IVF Clinics Fort Worth : IVF Clinics Houston : IVF Clinics South Houston : IVF Clinics North Houston :IVF Clinics Lubbock : IVF Clinics Odessa : IVF Clinics San Antonio |