UZ Brussel-VUB
During IVF, fertilization does not take place in the fallopian tube as in nature, but rather in a dish in the laboratory. This is where the name of the treatment originates from (In-Vitro being Latin for in glass). In the dish, egg cells from the woman are placed together with sperm from the man, where the sperm then fertilize the eggs. The resulting embryos are then replaced into the womans' uterus in ones or twos where hopefully at least one will implant and develop into a normal pregnancy and the woman will give birth to a healthy child.
Centrum voor Reproductieve Geneeskunde Universitair Ziekenhuis Brussel Laarbeeklaan 101, 1090 Brussel (Jette) FERTILITY CENTER
A completed diagnostic phase is needed before treatment can be started. A full diagnostic investigation includes sperm analysis, andrological examination, and investigation of ovulatory, tubal, implantation, cervical and pelvic function via hormonal examinations, gynecological ultrasound, hysterosalpingography, hysteroscopy, endometrial biopsy, laparoscopy and post-coital testing. Psychological counseling and holistic support via mind-body medicine and psychological support is readily available to all couples.
Ethical aspects of fertility treatment are discusses with an Ad Hoc Ethical Committee, which is part of the official Committee for Medical Ethics at the Faculty of Medicine atLeuven University.
www.uzleuven.be Leuven University Fertility Center UZ Gasthuisberg Herestraat 49 B-3000 Leuven Tel: 32 -16-34 36 24 Fax: 32-16-34 36 07