Idaho Center for Reproductive Medicine
A full evaluation confirms the need for IVF and prepares for the cycle, which
includes extensive patient education and a few diagnostic tests. This
preparation may take 1-2 months.
Beginning with the onset of a woman’s menstrual cycle two hormonal medications
are given, one to control when a woman will ovulate and the other to stimulate
production eggs. These daily hormonal injections occur over 10 to 12 days. Two
or three transvaginal ultrasounds are performed to assess the growth and
maturity of the follicles containing the eggs. Once mature (ready to ovulate), a
third hormone is given to trigger the eggs release (ovulation). This is usually
cycle day 10 - 12.
One hour prior to the eggs releasing from the ovary, they are aspirated through
a needle into a test tube. Anesthesia provides no pain while the transvaginal
guides the needle into the separate follicles to aspirate the eggs. An average
egg yield is about 15, but varies widely from 1 to 92. Once the patient awakes
from her sleep, she only feels the sensation of ovulation.
The eggs are mixed or injected (ICSI) with the husband’s sperm. The lab is
equipped with state-of-the-art instruments, microscopes, incubators, airflow
hoods, and room
filters to ensure the highest quality outcomes. Typically 60% of eggs retrieved
will become fertilized (the same as in nature). These fertilized eggs are
incubated over 3 to 5 days until ready to enter the uterus.
Idaho Center for Reproductive Medicine
111 Main St, Suite 100
Boise, Idaho 83702
Phone: 208-342-5900
Fax: 208-342-2088
Boise Idaho Gynecology
Urogynecology is a new term for the management of lower urinary tract problems:
bladder prolapse (cystocele), stress incontinence, nocturia, urinary frequency,
over active bladder (OAB) and sexual dysfunction. These problems have always
been a part of the OB.GYN training programs. There are some newer techniques
available, but the gold standard is still a well done vaginal reconstruction
directed to the correctly identified defect. A poorly done procedure is no worse
than a well done procedure directed at the wrong problem.
Vaginal Surgery The vaginal approach for gynecologic procedures provides shorter
operating times, lighter anesthesia, less tissue damage, decreased
post-operative pain, quicker recovery and fewer complications. Vaginal surgeons
argue that at least 80% of the hysterectomies performed should be done
vaginally. Unfortunately, in the United States and here in Boise, about 80% are
done through an abdominal incision. Common reasons given to patients for not
doing a vaginal operation include: no previous vaginal deliveries, a Caesarian
Section, a need for the ovaries to be removed, previous pelvic surgeries,
uterine fibroids, and obesity.
Successful vaginal surgery requires extensive training, a desire to provide the
most optimal approach, excellent eye/hand coordination, and experience in doing
cases. Dr. Krueger is the most experienced vaginal surgeon in Idaho and is able
to successfully perform even the most difficult cases via the vaginal route.
Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is a system of medical treatment for
surgically menopausal, perimenopausal and postmenopausal women. This therapy
helps to relieve and prevent discomfort and health problems caused by reduced
estrogen and progesterone hormones. Treatment involves a selection of drugs
designed to boost hormone levels. The hormones involved in this kind of
treatment are estrogens, progesterone or progestins, and on occasion
HRT is seen as either a short-term treatment for menopausal symptoms such as hot
flashes, irregular menstruation, fat redistribution etc., or as a longer term
treatment to decrease the risk of osteoporosis. Commonly younger women with
premature ovarian failure or surgical menopause can use hormone replacement
therapy until the age that natural menopause would be expected to occur.
811 North 6th Street
Boise ID, 83702
Phone: (208) 345-2006
Alderman Medical Acupuncture Of Boise
At Alderman Medical we understand that couples experience infertility as the
loss of a child, the loss of pregnancy, and the loss of the greatest gift of
creating life and having family. We understand infertility can challenge even
the strongest of marriages. Partners may have different coping styles that can
lead to distancing and alienation within the relationship. For instance, it is
quite difficult when one partner seeks information and intervention to relieve
anxiety and a sense of helplessness, and the other copes with stress by feeling
the matter will resolve itself with time and believes that taking action is
You’re not alone. Infertility affects 10% to 15% of all couples in the United
States. Infertility can be devastating to those who have it and to their
partners. Innumerable
couples grieve the loss of a potential new born monthly, and tend to lose
optimism and increase their stress levels with each reproductive cycle. We
understand the
emotional experience of infertility often is a compilation of the distressing
feelings of anger, grief, depression, isolation, guilt, jealousy, self-blame,
and being out of control. The powerlessness to produce a newborn child often
produces feelings of sorrow, as does the inability to perpetuate the parenting
role and family name.
When partners are out of sync, they often become the targets of reciprocal
anger. Although not intentional or conscious, emotional pain can cause partners
to blame one another for the infertility or for not commencing with treatment
At Alderman Medical, we understand the couples issues of the amount of financial
resources to invest in treatment, the use of third parties to achieve a
pregnancy, the
exploration of adoption, whom to tell, and when to terminate treatment. We
understand that sexuality frequently is affected by infertility. Partners may
report decreased sex drive and diminished sense of enjoyment. Couples with
infertility often are required to have "sex on demand." Instead of being
associated with intimacy, sex becomes associated with procreation, pain, and
failure. These unnecessary stressors can destroy what was once a sound
relationship and marriage.
Acupuncture and herbal medicinals are a time tested, normalization process that
is gentle and scientifically proven effective method to assist in fertility
issues in both men and women. This ancient art and science is now embraced by
current western medical research that documents the significant potentials for
fertility-boosting benefits.
A recent study conducted by physician-scientists at New York Weill Cornell
Medical Center cites acupuncture as a promising effective fertility enhancing
treatment. An
article in a recent issue of Fertility and Sterility--co-authored by Dr. Zev
Rosenwaks, Dr. Pak H. Chung, and Dr. Raymond Chang of Weill Cornell--provides a
summary of
current research that supports acupunctures potential benefits for fertility
treatment, including the stimulation of increased uterine blood flow and
fertility hormones.
1821 W, State Street
Boise, Idaho 83702
Phone: 208.336.6757
Fax: 208.336.6929
IVF Clinics Boise |