South Carolina Fertility Treatment
Infertility is a common condition. When defined in terms of a couple's failure to achieve a desired pregnancy within one year of trying, recent studies indicate the prevalence of infertility is currently about 30%. The first human IVF pregnancy was in 1978. Initially used to treat patients with severely damaged fallopian tubes, IVF, or in vitro fertilization, is now used to treat many other causes of infertility. Patients with severe male factor infertility, unexplained infertility, and infertility associated with endometriosis are often best treated by this method. Today more than 33,000 live deliveries per year in the U.S. result from IVF procedures. Most of these pregnancies have come from IVF treatment cycles performed in large, high volume centers.
At Advanced Fertility & Reproductive Endocrinology Institute you are not just a number! Traditionally, the only measure of the quality of an IVF program has been its reported live birth rate. Patients, however, desire good processes of care as well as favorable outcomes. Reflecting Dr. Whitman-Elia's personal philosophy that it takes much more than high pregnancy rates to make a quality IVF program, our Advanced Fertility Institute is based on a boutique model designed to promote personalized care.
If you are considering IVF, you’re in the right place. We have the people, technology and support you need. We understand that you may be anxious and experiencing a wide range of emotions during this time, so we take great care to make sure you’re at ease here, with the privacy and comfortable environment you need. One of the most important differences of our program over other IVF providers is the support and personal care we offer. During your IVF cycle, you’ll have access to Florence Hightower, PsyD, our IVF coordinator and clinical psychologist. She’ll be available to address your emotional concerns and, if needed, she’ll put you immediately in touch with Dr. Whitman-Elia. It’s comfort and reassurance we’re sure you’ll appreciate. At Advanced Fertility, we believe that this approach enhances success.
2728 Sunset Blvd. Suite #305 West Columbia, SC 29169 Phone: (803)939-1515 Toll Free: (866)-2WeCare
Carolina Center for Fertility
In-Vitro fertilization is an elaborate process in which the oocytes (eggs) are withdrawn from the female ovary and fertilized with sperm in the in-vitro fertilization laboratory. This is a highly technical process that requires expertise from doctors, embryologists, and lab personnel.
For several years our clinic has been the satellite program for Southeastern Fertility Center located in Mount Pleasant, SC. This center is recognized as one of the best in the southeast and continues to have high pregnancy rates. Patients are able to have their ultrasounds and lab work done in our office and the egg retrieval and transfer of the embryos are then done at the Southeastern Fertility Center. This allows patients minimum travel time and works quite well.
Infertility due to a low sperm count and abnormal sperm conditions is known as “male factor” infertility. Although it takes only a few sperm to penetrate an egg, most sperm die before they actually get through the cervix and into the fallopian tubes. Low sperm counts are difficult to treat with medications since most men are hormonally normal. In cases of low sperm counts, intrauterine inseminations can be used to concentrate the sperm and then the sperm are deposited into the uterus. This allows more active sperm to get to the egg. Pregnancy rates vary but generally are around 20% each cycle. Often fertility drugs are given to the female to induce ovulation.
In cases of extremely low sperm counts, in-vitro fertilization can be done using intracytoplasmic sperm injections (ICSI). In this case, sperm is actually injected into the egg. This is done in conjunction with in-vitro fertilization where the eggs are withdrawn from the woman’s ovaries.
1410 Blanding Street, br>Suite 205 Columbia, SC 29201 (803)779-6320IVF Clinics Charleston : IVF Clinics Columbia |