The Southeastern Center for Fertility and Reproductive Surgery
When searching for the cause of a specific case of infertility, there are several possibilities to explore. In general, there is a 40 percent chance that the condition is in the female, a 40 percent chance that it's in the male, and a 20 percent chance that it is unexplained. In trying to determine where the problem lies, the first questions that come to mind are simple: Are sperm available? Are eggs available? Can they meet? Can the embryo develop and implant? Once these questions have been answered, the questions become more specific. Is the infertility caused by ovulatory dysfunction, mechanical factors, endometrial receptivity problems, or problems with sperm count, motility, structure, or function?
Male related fertility factors generally are caused by low numbers, poor movement, or abnormal structure of the sperm. However, functional abnormalities of the sperm may also be present, even if all other parameters are normal.
Methods of treatment for male subfertility include intrauterine insemination, hormonal therapy, lifestyle changes, various surgical procedures, and of course, ICSI. Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection has truly revolutionized the treatment of the subfertile male since it's introduction in 1992.
ICSI is performed in conjunction with other techniques for In Vitro Fertilization. After stimulation of the wife's ovaries to induce development of multiple eggs, the eggs are retrieved and carefully separated from the surrounding, attached cells. Using a specially developed microscope and glass needles, a micromanipulator is used to inject a single sperm into each egg. Although one might conclude that all such injected eggs are now "fertilized", in actuality, the fertilization rate with ICSI is about the same as in conventional IVF, i.e. approximately 65-70%. Thus, only a dozen or so sperm (as opposed to many million) are necessary to achieve a pregnancy with ICSI. This number of sperm are retrievable in the vast majority of subfertile males. Please refer to our section on IVF.
10810 Parkside Drive Baptist Physicians Plaza #304 Knoxville, TN 37934
UT Medical Center
Literally, IVF means “in glass” – it refers to any fertility technique in which a woman’s egg is fertilized by her partner’s sperm in a petri dish. The fertilized egg or eggs are then inserted into her fallopian tubes or uterus, where implantation will hopefully occur.
If you and your partner are having trouble getting pregnant, you are not alone. The American Society for Reproductive Medicine estimates there are 6.1 million people dealing with infertility in the United States -- that's roughly 10% of those trying to conceive. Fortunately, there are many tests and procedures that can identify and treat the causes of infertility.
Most physicians will recommend that couples try to conceive for a year before seeking medical assistance. If a woman is over 30, has a history of pelvic disease, miscarriage, painful menstruation, irregular cycles, or if her partner has a low sperm count, the National Infertility Association recommends that she and her partner may want to seek professional advice sooner.
Treatment depends on the cause of infertility for any given couple. It may include simple education and counseling, the use of medications that treat infections or promote ovulation, or highly sophisticated medical procedures such as in-vitro fertilization.
It is important for the couple to recognize and discuss the emotional impact of infertility, and to seek medical advice from a health care provider. Support groups for infertile couples may be an important source of strength and comfort. RESOLVE, a national organization, both provides informal support and serves as a referral base for professional counseling specific to infertility issues.
The University of Tennessee Medical Center 1924 Alcoa Highway Knoxville, Tennessee 37920-6969 Telephone: 1.865.305.9000.
National Embryo Donation Center
The National Embryo Donation Center (NEDC) is a non-profit organization whose mission is to protect the lives and dignity of human embryos by promoting, facilitating and educating about embryo donation and adoption. When couples go through fertility treatments such as in vitro fertilization, there is usually an excess of fertilized eggs (embryos) that are cryopreserved - frozen and stored for later use.
It is estimated that 400,000 human embryos are currently in cryopreservation in the United States. When the genetic parents decide that their family is complete and embryos are still available, they are faced with a dilemma: donating their embryos to research, thawing them and letting them die, or donating them to a couple who is unable to conceive. Many believe that embryo donation and adoption is the most life-honoring solution to this difficult choice.
The NEDC handles the medical, legal and social requirements of embryo donation. The Center offers a variety of placement options for couples considering donation of their cryopreserved embryos and also provides counseling for both donors and recipients. The NEDC is endorsed by the Christian Medical Association.
The National Embryo Donation Center (NEDC) understands your desire to have a family and seeks to provide you an alternative method to have children. When couples go through fertility treatments, such as in vitro fertilization, there are usually an excess of fertilized eggs (embryos) that are frozen and stored for later use. When the genetic parents decide that their family is complete and embryos are still available, they are faced with a dilemma. There are three options: donating them to a couple who is unable to conceive, destroying them for research purposes, or thawing them and letting them die. Embryo adoption allows the genetic parents to give their embryos a chance for life and provides you with an opportunity to have children. Embryo adoption allows you to experience pregnancy and the birth of a child.
116 Concord Road - Suite 400 Farragut, TN 37934 Toll Free: 866-585-8549 Telephone: 865-777-2013 Fax: 865-777-2016IVF Clinics Chattanooga : IVF Clinics Johnson City : IVF Clinics Memphis : IVF Clinics Knoxville |