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Infertility and Gynceology Center of Lansing
A typical IVF cycle includes preparation, induction of superovulation, egg retrieval, sperm preparation and uterine embryo transfer (UET).
ART collectively refers to procedures that have the common denominator of egg retrieval for the purpose of improving reproductive capabilities. ART has provided new options for treatment of infertility and has significantly improved the pregnancy success rate.
Typical candidates for ART include infertile patients with damaged or blocked fallopian tubes, scarred ovaries, pelvic adhesions, endometriosis, presence of anti sperm antibodies, ovulation dysfunction, low sperm count or motility, unexplained infertility, or combinations of above. With the present excellent pregnancy rates, any infertile couple that has not conceived through conventional means is considered a candidate for ART.
Infertility is defined as inability to conceive after one year of unprotected intercourse. The combined male and female fertility potentials must reach a critical threshold for a pregnancy to occur. Couples who have trouble conceiving generally have multiple problems. To some extent, male and female fertility potentials can compensate for one another. When one partner's fertility potential is diminished, there is less latitude for the other partner's fertility potential.
Infertility is generally not associated with any symptoms. Major factors contributing to infertility may go undetected if both partners are not tested. By seeing a specialist early, the couple may save themselves a lot of frustration and valuable time and expenses in the long run.
The length of time a couple may wait before seeing a specialist depends on several factors. One determining factor is their emotional states. If the couple suspects a particular problem, then there is no reason to wait. Certainly, the woman's age is a very important factor, since fertility declines at age 25. This decline becomes more significant after age 35.
The Infertility & Gynecology Center of Lansing 1200 East Michigan Ave. Suite 305 Lansing, MI 48912
Sparrow Health System
Sparrow Fertility Services is unique to the mid-Michigan area. As a resource for area reproductive endocrinologists/fertility specialists and urologists, the Center's team of embryologists, andrologists and ultrasound personnel, supported by an experienced and caring nursing staff focuses on your success, comfort, and privacy.
Failure to observe these instructions will jeopardize your evaluation, process, or treatment if you are requested to provide a semen sample for laboratory testing orprocessing.
Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection. It is a micromanipulation technique performed in the embryology laboratory resulting in the direct placement of a sperm into an oocyte (egg). It is a form of in vitro fertilization employed when tests indicated sperm may not be able to fertilize an egg by any other means.
Semen specimen will be a viscous fluid approximately one teaspoon in volume and varying in color from white to yellow. It will have an odor that is reminiscent of everything from bleach to almonds. Both appearance and odor can be affected by food, medications, and dietary supplements.
To perform an accurate semen analysis, the sample must be analyzed within one hour of being produced. Therefore, someone must be available to perform the analysis when it is needed. Second, an appointment assures greater privacy and confidentiality for you.
Sparrow Hospital 1215 E. Michigan Avenue Lansing, Michigan 48912 517.364.1000 1.888.7WE.HEAL
Welcome to IVF Michigan
In a fertile couple, pregnancy begins with the release of an ovum (egg) from the woman's ovaries. The egg enters the fallopian tube where it meets with the sperm that have traveled there, following intercourse, from the vagina. The sperm normally fertilize the egg in the fallopian tube. The fertilized egg, now called an embryo, begins to divide and in three days contains many cells. At this time, the embryo moves from the fallopian tube to the uterine cavity where it "floats" for another two to three days. The embryo then implants in the uterine wall with a resultant pregnancy. If the fallopian tubes are blocked or damaged, fertilization and embryo transport cannot take place. In these cases in order to achieve a pregnancy we have to place fertilized eggs (i.e., embryos) directly into the uterus. IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) uterine transfer achieves remarkable pregnancies in women with hopelessly damaged fallopian tubes. IVF can also help a couple with male factor infertility (e.g., low sperm count, motility or poor quality) achieve pregnancy when it is combined with the ICSI procedure. Couples with unexplained infertility, especially those who may have problems with sperm-egg interaction or problems with the fallopian tubes picking up the egg can be helped with IVF
A human embryo.To prepare her body for the IVF procedure the woman receives hormone injections to stimulate development of the ovarian follicles, the sac-like structures that contain the eggs. Administering hormones increases the chances of retrieving many ripened eggs, each one capable of being fertilized and producing a pregnancy. HMG (human menopausal gonadotropin) and recombinant FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone) are the hormones used to stimulate the production of follicles.
Up to three or more embryos are returned to the patient depending on her age and embryo quality. If you have extra embryos we can freeze them for future attempts at pregnancy via a FET procedure.
To begin a cycle of IVF your cycle will begin to be monitored in the previous month. At a certain point you will begin administering a GnRH-Agonist or a GnRH-Antagonist to prevent the premature surge of LH (luteinizing hormone) from triggering ovulation before the eggs can be retrieved. After your menstrual cycle begins you will be examined by transvaginal ultrasound to check the status of your ovaries and pelvis in preparation for your hormone injections. You will also have baseline bloodwork performed at this time. Once you have begun administering the hormone injections (HMG or FSH) approximately four days later you will begin periodic monitoring by ultrasound examination and blood estrogen level. Later that day you will be informed how much HMG or FSH you will be receiving until your next monitoring appointment. The dosage and timing will depend on your age, previous response, and the estrogen level and ultrasound results demonstrated that day. When the monitoring shows the eggs are ripe and ovulation is imminent, an injection of HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) is administered to the patient to complete the egg maturation process and prepare the eggs for retrieval. The patient is admitted for the outpatient IVF egg retrieval procedure the next day.
5400 Mackinaw Rd # 4100 Saginaw, MI 48604 (989) 792-8771IVF Clinics Grand Rapids : IVF Clinics Lansing : IVF Clinics Saginaw |