Melbourne IVF
Each month a couple attempting to get pregnant naturally go through a range of emotions, that may end with frustration, anger and sadness when the woman's period arrives. About 50 per cent of couples will achieve a pregnancy in six months and a further 30 per cent will reach their goal in the next six months, leaving about 20 per cent of couples not pregnant at that stage.
Infertility is defined as a couple not conceiving after 12 months of regular unprotected sexual intercourse. Most couples after about six months of trying to conceive start to look for answers or consider consulting their doctor. If the couple know of factors that may be preventing pregnancy, such as a history of pelvic infection, irregular cycles, increased age or ejaculatory disorders, they should speak to their General Practitioner (GP) before this time has elapsed.
10/320 Victoria Parade East Melbourne 3002 Ph: (03) 9473 4444 Fax: (03) 9473 4454 |