California IVF Fertility Infertility Center
Coastal Fertility Medical Center has been Orange County's leading provider of Reproductive care to Infertility patients in Orange County since 1982. Coastal Fertility and it's dedicated staff are widely recognized for their compassion, as well as their special attention to the individual needs of their patients. It is the mission of Coastal Fertility Medical Center to provide the highest quality Reproductive services available, with maximum attention paid to compassionate patient care.
Our state-of-the-art medical offices, IVF laboratory, and ambulatory surgery center house the newest, most sophisticated equipment available today.
Whether you are just beginning treatment, or if you require the advanced technologies, such as IVF, ICSI, Blastocyst Transfer, Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD), or Donor Eggs, you can be confident that Coastal Fertility Medical Center has the years of experience and the history of success you can depend on to help you realize your dreams of having a baby.
Coastal Fertility Medical Center Located in Irvine, California (Orange County)
California IVF
All babies are different, because they have different genetic programming instructions that tell them exactly how to develop including what color eyes and hair to have, what shape of nose to grow and so on. These special instructions are encoded in the form of DNA, contained in a baby's chromosomes. What is really special is that a baby's DNA comes 50% from the father and 50% from the mother and combine to form a unique individual who is a little bit like each of the parents.
The way that a baby's father passes on his genetic information is via his SPERM. The way a baby's mother passes on her genetic information is via her EGGS. So in order to have a baby, we need sperm and eggs. We also need a friendly environment in which the sperm and eggs can find each other and come together to form a fertilized embryo. We then need a safe home for the embryo to grow.
Couples who have trouble getting pregnant either have a problem with SPERM, a problem with their EGGS or a problem with the internal environment. Many times, there are multiple problems in more than one of these areas.
Fertility Care of Orange County 203 North Brea Blvd. Suite 100 Brea, California 92821 Phone: (714)256-0777
Southern California Center For Reproductive Medicine
The egg retrieval procedure utilizes a vaginal ultrasound probe, which has a metal guide attached to it. The guide allows a hollow needle to be placed beside the probe. The tip of the needle is etched so that it is visible on the ultrasound monitor. The needle is attached to tubing that goes to a plastic tube and a gentle suction machine. The physician uses the vaginal ultrasound probe to visualize the ovaries and the follicles within them on the ultrasound monitor. Once the patient is anesthetized, the needle is pushed through the vaginal wall into one of the follicles within an ovary. As the tip of the needle penetrates the wall of the follicle, the suction machine is started. The fluid within the follicle is aspirated and flows to the plastic tube. The egg is usually loosely attached to the inner wall of the follicle and as the fluid within the follicle is withdrawn, the egg is aspirated into the tube. This tube is then given to the embryologist who examines each drop of the fluid through a microscope to look for an egg. It is common to have some follicles that do not contain eggs. Therefore, the number of follicles may not equal the number of eggs found. The procedure is finished when all the follicles from both ovaries have been aspirated. A fresh semen specimen needs to be provided by the male partner on the day of egg retrieval.
Newport Beach Office 361 Hospital Road, Suite 333 Newport Beach, California 92663 Phone: (949) 642-8727 Fax: (949) 642-5413IVF Clinics Marin County : IVF Clinics Santa Barbara : IVF Clinics Santa Rosa : IVF Clinics Orange County : IVF Clinics San Bernardino : IVF Clinics Tarzana : IVF Clinics Fresno : IVF Clinics Palm Springs : IVF Clinics Sacramento : IVF Clinics San Diego : IVF Clinics Ventura County |