Fertility Center of San Antonio
Joseph E. Martin, a native of Texas, earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Zoology in 1959 from the University of Texas in Austin, Texas, and a M.D. degree in 1963 from the University of Texas in Galveston, Texas. He completed his internship at Herman Hospital in Houston, Texas in 1964. He then served as a Captain in the United States Air Force from 1964 to 1966, where he worked in Obstetrics and Gynecology. Dr. Martin then completed a three-year specialty training program in Obstetrics and Gynecology at Parkland Hospital in Dallas, Texas.
Dr. Martin joined the faculty of the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio in 1969 as an Instructor, and subsequently as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. During that time, his sponsored research involved study of the actions of hormones at the cellular level. Dr. Martin entered the private practice of Obstetrics and Gynecology in San Antonio in 1972. He is a Fellow of the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology and is certified by the Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology. He has served as Chairman of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Methodist Hospital. Dr. Martin helped form the Fertility Program at Methodist Hospital in 1986 and served as its Medical Director until 1990.
Over 20-years ago, Dr. Martin formed the Fertility Center of San Antonio (a private, office-based center with SART affiliation), and serves currently as the Medical Director. Dr. Martin has personally attended thousands of cycles (IVF, GIFT, GIFT), and several thousand cycles of induction of ovulation with intrauterine insemination.
Fertility Center of San Antonio 4499 Medical Drive, Suite 200 San Antonio, Texas 78229 (800) 708-1869 Local phone: (210) 692-0577 Fax: (210) 692-1210
Fertility and Infertility Specialist
Reproductive Medicine Associates of Texas (RMA-TX) belongs to a well known RMA Network of IVF Centers throughout the United States. The network is internationally recognized for achieving high success rates for infertility treatment. RMA attributes its success to a variety of factors including the experience and dedication of our physician and laboratory teams, individualized IVF protocols, laboratory conditions and techniques, and breakthrough technologies. The RMA Network has performed over 15000 cycles of In Vitro Fertilization, a record that makes us one of the world’s largest and more experienced centers for infertility treatments.
When it comes to IVF, the roles of the physicians and those of the embryologists in the laboratory are distinctly different, yet equally important. The IVF program at RMA is unique because our Laboratory Director of Assisted Reproductive Technologies is both a board certified Reproductive Endocrinologist and board certified by the American Board of Bioanalysis as an embryologist, andrologist, and high-complexity clinical laboratory director. These unusual qualifications have allowed RMA to successfully integrate the clinical and laboratory components of ART to achieve excellent results for our patients. Our Medical Director, Dr. Francisco Arredondo is the only board certified Fertility Specialist in the San Antonio Stone Oak area and has ample experience managing all different fertility challenges
Patients aspiring to become a family while going through fertility treatment may have a high emotional toll. This is usually related to the stress involved with the decision making to choose the best fertility treatment for their specific needs. The uncertainty, the odds, the risks, the time involved, the interference with daily activities, the possible impact in the financial and emotional credit cards may be overwhelming.
(210) FER-TILE / (210) 337-8453 19296 Stone Oak Parkway, San Antonio, Texas, 78258
Baptist Health System
Finding out that you’re going to become a parent for the first time can be a joyous occasion. For couples who have struggled, sometimes for years to become pregnant, the news is exhilarating. Twelve percent, or 7.3 million women in the United States ages 15 to 44, have difficulty getting pregnant. In a third of these cases, infertility is an issue involving the woman, another third of the cases can be traced to an issue with the male, and in the remaining third, the cause is unknown or a mixture of problems. About two-thirds of the couples who are treated for infertility are able to conceive and have a baby.
To harvest the eggs, doctors commonly use an ultrasound-guided technique. A laparoscopic method, which involves inserting a long, thin instrument with a light and lens through the abdomen, may be used if a diagnostic assessment of the pelvic organs is needed. However, ultrasound is faster, easier on the patient, and as effective as laparoscopic retrieval.
The doctor inserts the ultrasound probe with an attached needle into the vagina. Using the needle, the doctor punctures egg follicles and removes the fluid. The fluid is inspected and immediately placed in a sterile, nutritive culture material kept in an incubator.
Meanwhile, the male, if fertile, refrains from ejaculating for two or three days and then collects semen through masturbation. If scar tissue or other conditions block the natural release of sperm, a sperm aspiration may be performed. Sometimes, the man's sperm can be frozen ahead of time. If the male partner is unable to produce viable sperm, donor sperm may be used.
Between 50,000 and 100,000 of the most mobile, healthy sperm are mixed with the harvested eggs. The sperm may be treated to increase the chance of fertilization. The culture dish is kept at normal body temperature inside an incubator for two to three days. During that time, sperm are expected to fertilize 60% to 80% of the eggs. Once fertilized, early cell division begins, and embryos develop.
The North Central Fertility Center 520 Madison Oak Dr. San Antonio, Texas 78258 (210) 297-4000IVF Clinics Austin : IVF Clinics Dallas : IVF Clinics Fort Worth : IVF Clinics Houston : IVF Clinics South Houston : IVF Clinics North Houston :IVF Clinics Lubbock : IVF Clinics Odessa : IVF Clinics San Antonio |