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Test Tube Baby.
Test tube baby-what is it?

There are many couples who are not able to become parents of a child.

  Best moment for a woman is when she gives birth to a child and that too naturally. Many reasons are there due to which the couples are unable to get a child. But now such cases should not worry, as there are many alternates available for them through which they can feel the experience of parenthood.

Test tube baby is known as the latest invention of science. With invention of test tube baby possibilities for woman to get pregnant became wider than before. Fallopian tubes of some women do not work properly;test tube baby is a boon for them as they can become mother in spite of all their problems.

This procedure is suggested by the doctors when the fallopian tubes are defective or not working properly, but the uterus is functioning correctly and also the sperm count of the husband is also good.

Procedure of test tube baby is as follows. A special device or tool is used in this process which is called Laparoscope. This device is used to extract the ovum out of the ovary of woman. This ovum is then placed into the tube so that it can be fertilized by the sperm of the male or husband. This fertilized ovum is allowed to develop upto a certain stage and is kept in tube only. After that the ovum is implanted into the uterus of the woman.

The whole procedure is performed in a tube, so the baby is named as a test tube baby. Process is called the test tube fertilization. Though the fact is this that most of the development takes place inside the uterus of the women. Many cases have been treated with the positive results at last. Therefore this process is satisfactory.

Test tube baby is considered as an informal term where the baby gets conceived in a tube shaped glass, which is very commonly found in biology labs. Vitro fertilization process of artificial insemination takes place in shallow type of container known as petri dish. Vitro refers to the procedure in which the ovum and sperm both are removed from the original hosts and then placed in to a glass container. In the tube both ovum and sperm gets mixed and the fertilization occurs. Option of test tube baby is suggested when you have undergone the less expensive procedure but have failed.

Test tube baby is like a new ray of hope for the couples facing the problem of not having a child, though they have tried hard. There are many reasons of infertility which are responsible. Many people consider that fertility problem occurs in women only, but this is not true at all. Male are also there in large numbers who are suffering from the problem of infertility. Less count of spermsor low quality spermis some male fertility related symptoms. You should not be in a confusion if you want to have test tube baby, just consult the doctor and find that the procedure is suitable for you or not.

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